Today we made a trip out to Walden to visit a good friend of mine that I work(ed) with at IBM. It is about 45-50 minutes away, but totally worth the trip. I made some pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting last night to bring with us (I of course had one and they were delicious). Gavin did really well on the drive there but was very happy when we had finally arrived so he could get out and walk around. He was excited to explore a new house and he had a friend following him around everywhere he went...

He absolutely loved Charlie and Charlie loved him! Charlie followed Gavin around, sharing toys and snacks and just waiting for Gavin to either sit or fall so he could lick his neck and ears. Gavin would just giggle like crazy when that happened. I wish I had brought the video camera, maybe next time.
We had an awesome visit. It was so nice to see Denise and spend a few hours with her and Charlie. We look forward to another visit soon!
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