Friday, September 23, 2011

Cabin Fever!

We have had rain almost every day in the last week! It has been a bit depressing and Gavin and I have been cooped up going a bit crazy. It's hard to be outside even when it isn't raining because of the humidity and mosquitoes. It is no fun to go to the park and get rained on. We haven't had any errands to run. Friends are sick so we haven't had any play dates (we are waiting until the colds and such are completely gone before we risk it). So, Gavin and I have been working to have as much fun as possible at home. We have baked various treats and some awesome dinners. We have read lots of books. We have kept the house reasonably clean. We have even managed to organize and put away some things that have been put off for way too long. It has been great.

Despite all our fun, we are looking forward to nice sunny days again! I hope the forecast is wrong because as of now, it is going to be another rainy, humid week. I guess we will just continue to work on things around the house until we can resume enjoying the fall!

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