(Gavin is missing a shirt because he had completely soaked the one he had been wearing and didn't seem interested in having another one put on once the dirty one was off.)
Meanwhile, Andrew was working on dinner. Although he kept insisting it was no big deal and not a lot of work, it certainly looked like a huge undertaking. It smelled and looked wonderful and tasted even better. He roasted a chicken (with bacon on it!) and we had mashed potatoes, spinach and gravy with it. I know that when you cook and bake all the time, especially doing more complicated recipes it isn't as big of a deal as it may seem to others, but that doesn't mean it isn't still a lot of work. I really appreciated all the hard work that went into it and fully enjoyed eating it! Before long it was time to get Gavin in bed. He had done so well with sleeping on the planes that we were able to stretch out his bedtime to his normal time, but on Utah time. It took a bit longer than usual to be able to lay him down in the pack and play (and I ended up falling asleep for a bit too), but I finally got him settled and then headed back out because there was dessert that Andrew had shown me earlier and I was eager to try that out! It was a lemon almond tart and it was definitely worth getting back up for! After that Andrew, Andrea and I just visited for a bit before we all headed to bed.
Thursday was a nice and relaxing day. Gavin hadn't slept all that well (not being home, off his normal schedule and teething caused quite the sleeping mess while we were away!) and was up very early but Andrew was up early as well so we had company! We just hung out and by the time Andrea was getting up and heading out to work, Gavin was ready for a nap. Unfortunately, it was quite a short nap but he woke up in a relatively good mood and so we played some more. Andrew was even nice enough to keep Gavin occupied so I could take a quick shower! Andrew went through the toys they have from when Joseph was little and pulled out some really fun new things for Gavin to play with, he really loved the stacking cups (he loved to knock them over) and the crazy ball with a mind of its own and also the little robot guy!
Rhonda and Troy stopped by for a visit while their kids were in school. It was great to see them and for them to meet Gavin before we were all together for the weekend and it was chaos. We had a great visit with them (and Gavin took another very short nap... ugh) and then Andrew and I just hung out waiting for Mom and Dad to get back. They had borrowed Andrew's car to drive up to Idaho with Daniel to visit Becky and Matt and their family. Andrew started dinner while we waited and I attempted to get Gavin to take another nap (yup, another short one, not a good sign). (Another awesome dinner, prosciutto and pea risotto, lamb chops and steamed broccoli!) Gavin was happy to see Grandma and Grandpa when they arrived and started showing off some of his new tricks. By this point he was really getting the hang of walking and getting a lot more brave, attempting to cross rooms.
We hung out and enjoyed another delicious dinner before I got Gavin in the bath and into bed. Despite being so tired, he went down much easier than the previous night so I was able to escape for dessert! Andrew had made orange panna cotta. Absolutely delicious! We even had a little more of the lemon almond tart because Mom and Dad had not had that yet. At this rate, I was going to gain at least 10 pounds while we were visiting! Totally worth it though. Then we visited for a while before it was time to head in for bed (my signal was the first of what would be many wake ups from Gavin, poor kid).
Friday was a bit busier. Friday morning Gavin and I were up very early again, thankfully so was Andrew and Mom and Dad were not too far behind that. We hung out and kept Gavin occupied until he was ready for a nap (I am not sure why I kept bothering considering how short they always were). After his nap I squeezed in a shower while Grandma entertained Gavin and Andrew and Andrea prepared their shopping lists for the reunion. When they got home, Andrew brought Daniel with him, so it was great to visit with him as well! Gavin was loving all the attention from everyone and doing really well even though he was definitely overtired. I really enjoyed visiting with everyone as well! Andrew, Daniel and Mom set to work on getting the lasagna (for dinner Friday night) all made up and ready to bake later that day). It smelled and looked so yummy!
Before long, other family started arriving and our reunion was starting! A weekend full of family, fun, good food and entertainment!
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