He took a couple of steps while we were in Hilton Head, but nothing that we really thought should count as his first steps. What we like to consider his first steps happened the weekend after we came home. Sunday afternoon while we were hanging out watching the crazy thunderstorms pass over (during which I HEARD lightening for the first time, yes, HEARD - it was insane!) and deciding the best approach on the shelves we had picked up at Ikea the day before and Gavin took a step without falling/lunging after something and remained upright! It was awesome! He then took a few more! It was so much fun to encourage him, especially since we have been able to enjoy so many of these milestones together as a family!
It quickly progressed from there. Over the next few days, the few steps became more reliable and frequent. By Wednesday, Gavin was attempting to walk even farther. While we were in the Denver airport waiting for our last plane to Utah (yet another item I need to blog about... I am still so behind!), he went several feet before falling! While we were in Utah for my family reunion, he quickly started attempting to cross rooms.
By the time we returned home the following week, he was a pro, showing off to Scott how much improvement he had made! In the week since we have returned home, he has improved even more. He even has mastered walking in and out of the kitchen and bathrooms, which is impressive because there is a fairly large height difference (and edge in the case of the kitchen) between the tile and the hardwood floors.
He still sometimes gets ahead of himself and has had quite a few bumps, but I am sure that even once he has fully mastered walking (and running) that he will have bumps. That is just part of being a kid!
I am still in disbelief as I watch him walk around the house. I can't believe that he is almost a toddler already! I knew he would walk before he was officially considered a toddler, he has been wanting to for months. It makes him look so much more grown up. Although he is more capable of getting into trouble now, he also usually follows me from room to room if I picking up/cleaning, which is nice, right?
Oh well, since I haven't gotten around to figuring out uploading video yet, instead I will just share a random picture of Gavin (because it would be mean to not upload at least one picture of him!) eating baked potato... yum!
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