For quite some time Gavin has been interested in the fridge. Heck, he is interested in anything, especially those things he can't have/do. The fridge is one area that I had let him "play" in because he really only was interested in exploring what was in the door. No big deal. Well, in the last week he has decided the door is boring and moved on to other areas. Namely, pulling out milk, half and half, heavy cream and seltzer cans, whatever he can reach. He loves sharing Scott's seltzer, so it is no surprise when he can reach those he pulls one out to try to get it open. Thankfully, he can not and he just moves on to something else. The milk products, he never passes up. He loves to pull the milk carton out and pop the top off (using his teeth... apparently teeth can be used for all sorts of things other than just eating) to chew/suck on it.

Sometimes he attempts to dump milk out too, most of the time I manage to reach him and rescue the milk before that happens. The half and half and heavy cream he loves as well. No idea why. He tries to get the caps off of those but usually can't since they screw on. He did manage to do it once and was attempting to drink the half and half. Crazy kid! Regardless, he is in love with the fridge and if he hears it open, he comes running. As does he love the dishwasher, cabinets, hall closet and bathroom closet. He absolutely loves the hall closet because he can pull out the duster and vacuum. Any time the vacuum comes out he follows it around as I vacuum and yells at it. It's really funny.

He is such a silly little boy!
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