He has quite the personality, which includes not holding still for a photo shoot.
Or looking at the camera, since the grass is much more exciting.
Let's see what has changed in the last month!
Weight - 25 pounds 12 ounces according to our visit last week.
Height - 31.25 inches according to our visit last week.
Clothing Size - He has grown out of his 12 month pants which is not all that big of a surprise, but nothing else.
Milestones -
*Gavin is walking all over the place now! He still takes some falls here and there when he is tired or gets ahead of himself (trying to run across the room instead of walk) but he is amazingly fast and loves to explore the house. He walks from room to room all day long checking things out, getting into trouble and following me as I pick up and clean. It is guaranteed he will follow me if I have either the feather duster (to do corners and such) or the vacuum. Both are favorites of his. He gets all excited and comes running when the hall closet is opened.
*Gavin has discovered even more new noises and vowel sounds this month. He doesn't stop "talking" almost the whole time he is awake! Other than "dada" (or "dad" and "daddy") he doesn't say too much that I would consider words. He says what sounds like "I did it/did it", "yeah", "okay", and "that" but nothing that I would consider a word, yet. I repeat things back to him when it sounds like he said an actual word, but I am sure he just thinks I am crazy and I am far from repeating what he intended. Who knows though. He also likes to make all kinds of crazy noises with his tongue. He will mimic all kinds of noises too. He smiles really big and the does it himself. It is really cute!
*Gavin is really starting to appreciate and enjoy some of his books. There are some he absolutely loves and he smiles and laughs when we read them to him. He especially loves when you do voices for different characters and emotions. He also loves the touch and feel and sound books now. I have always enjoyed reading to him but it is so much more fun now that he seems to enjoy it more. I still occasionally read my books to him but he mostly ignores me since there are no pictures, fun sounds or things to touch. Hopefully someday he will appreciate those more as well.
*Gavin has seven teeth (three on top and four on the bottom) with who knows how many more coming in. He seems to constantly have another one that is coming in. I guess we won't be getting a break from teething until they are all in. Oh well... it will end someday!
That about sums up all his new tricks. He is an absolute joy in our lives and we are so thankful to have him!
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