Well, we went in for his appointment and got his stats:
Weight: 25 pounds, 12 ounces
Height: 31.25 inches
The rest of the appointment was really good. He showed off how well he walks, all his "talking", how well he bends/leans down and recovers back to standing and was really good when she checked his eyes, ears and such. She said he is doing great and was impressed with how much he was doing. She said we come back right after his first birthday and it had to be on or after his birthday because he had to be at least 1 before he could get one of the shots he was going to get (only two shots this time, wahoo). Then she sent us down to have some blood drawn. Ugh.
Gavin was still in a fairly good mood and was happy and willing to walk around and play in the waiting room. When it was our turn, he sat on my lap and they told me how to hold him and to hold him tight so he couldn't squirm. Great, so not only does he have to be tortured, I have to help by pinning him down. I know I am stronger than him still (even though he is ridiculously strong) but I hate having to actually force him to do things. While she poked around looking for his vein, Gavin started to whine a bit in protest, but it wasn't too bad. Then she stuck him with the needle and it was interesting because it took him a good 15 seconds in which he looked at me very confused and then the screaming started. It was awful. So much worse than shots. It felt like forever even though it really wasn't all that long because it was only two vials. After she was done he calmed down a lot more quickly than I expected which was really nice. We packed up and headed home, grateful that was behind us. I hope we never have to do that again!
Despite the torture, Gavin was his normal happy self. What a relief! We had lots of fun playing, Gavin got into his drawer in the kitchen and was pulling everything out and doing all kinds of silly things like carrying lids (and stacks of lids) around with his mouth.
He loves unloading everything from this drawer! I must put it all away at least 4 or 5 times a day but its worth it because it keeps him entertained!
A great day despite the morning torture!
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