Monday, September 12, 2016

First Day of Kindergarten!!

It is shocking to me how quickly this day has seem to come. While I am so excited for Gavin because he is going to do so well and love school, I am so sad that our days of play, leisure, special moments, and unscheduled time are now quite different. I look forward to treasuring the time we do get together and having some more time with just Dane, but I still find myself missing the years of just Gavin and me, and then the years of Gavin, Dane, and me. I wish I could slow down and absorb more of the time with the boys, it seems that if I blink they will be all grown up and gone.

I am excited for all of the adventures Gavin will have this year and I look forward to all the stories he will have each day when he returns home. I look forward to Gavin making new friends, friends that are all his own (since up until now his friends have mostly been through my friends kids) and could even be lifelong friends.
It is all so very exciting and I certainly hope he loves school as much as I did! Gavin has changed and grown so much over the last year, it will be exciting to see him learn, grow, and mature even more this year!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Exciting Day!

Quite a day around here. Gavin had his Kindergarten screening this morning. His first day is Monday. He is so excited.

Our new couch also arrived. So far the kids and I love it, time will tell how it lasts. I think it looks nice and look forward to Scott getting around to inatalling the track lighting we got for the living room (and kitchen) so we will not have the lamp in the living room anymore.

The kids get their hair cut later this morning and then we have the rest of the day to play, relax, and enjoy our new couch. It is going to be hot today so it will be nice to be inside where it is cool!