Monday, December 17, 2012

Science Project...

I made a fun new "toy" for Gavin to play with while I did some things for dinner tonight (and thankfully Dane slept through it in the swing, awesome)! I was reminded of how much fun this particular mixture can be when we were watching a PBS show called Sid the Science Kid. We mixed water and cornstarch (and a little food coloring to make it more fun) and I let Gavin mix it up and touch it and use a scoop to play.
He wasn't interested in touching it at first but he enjoyed mixing and scooping it. When Scott got home from work he played with it too. He thought it was cool because it looks like a liquid but when you scoop or touch it, it is more solid and then turns back into a goopy/slimey liquid. Since he had never seen it before it was fun to watch him play with it as well! I need to find more science projects now because Gavin was really interested and loved it. This (and other things) will be so much fun to pass the time when we are stuck inside due to bad weather this winter!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dane at 1 Month Old!

What an amazing and crazy month it has been!
Dane is so very different from Gavin. While they still look similar to me, it is starting to look more like they are just brothers instead of like they could be twins born two years apart. Although I am clearly biased, Dane is one seriously adorable little boy!

Now let's see how Dane is doing...

•11 pounds and 6 ounces (clearly following after Gavin's growth curve by sticking in the mid to high 90th percentiles for weight and height)
•22.5 inches tall
•Dane is already starting to interact with us. It seems to change and increase every day.
•Dane is already starting to smile at us! While the smiles are not super frequent yet, he gives more each day.
•Dane is starting to coo and talk to us and will interact with us by cooing back and forth (and smiling as well). It is such an amazing and sweet sound and I love when I hear him talking from the swing or rocker or wherever he was laid down to sleep, when I thought he was still asleep. It is even more fun when Gavin mimics the noises back to Dane because he hears us doing it. I really enjoy watching them interact, as I protect Dane from being squashed.
•Dane is now wearing cloth diapers and quickly growing out of the smallest pre fold size. We started at about two weeks old when everything was healed. We decided to use disposables (on both boys) to make our life a bit easier during the transition and while I am glad we did for a couple days. I would have had no problem starting sooner because my recovery was so easy, but since we had some disposables on hand, we didn't want to waste them because he was growing so fast.
•Dane does well with all the things Gavin hated (thankfully) and it makes our life so much easier! He will take a pacifier, doesn't demand to be held all the time, will stay asleep when you lay him down (assuming Gavin doesn't come over and wake him), does fine in the car (often sleeping but not always, sometimes he is looking around), he doesn't mind and even likes being swaddled, and he has even fallen asleep on his own when laid down. I have no idea how long any of these will continue but for now in am grateful because they have all helped to make the transition easier on everyone!

I am sure before we even realize what is happening Dane will be walking and talking. It is so sad how fast it all goes by and how much faster it seems to go the second time because you are twice as busy. I try my best to enjoy every day and moment but it is a constant battle between enjoying Dane (and Gavin) and taking care of things that need to be done. I look forward to all the wonderful changes in Dane over the next month as he grows and learns even more!