Friday, February 25, 2011

Rocking Horse Fun...

Gavin is now the proud owner of a rocking horse thanks to our friends the Imbers. It took us a few weeks to finally remember to get some pictures of Gavin on it, but I finally did. He loves it!

And of course he has to have a taste test.... mmmm, horse ear!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

4 Month Checkup and a Milestone!

Gavin had his 4 month well baby checkup today. Normally I do not mind going to the doctor with him, he doesn't seem to mind going and his pediatrician is wonderful. Today, however, is one of those appointments I dread. He had to get more shots. Poor little guy had no idea what was coming this morning, as happy as he always is in the morning (because he is a morning person - no idea where that one came from because neither Scott nor I are!).

We had a good visit with the doctor. Gavin is now 18 pounds 11 ounces and 26 and a half inches long! Wow, hard to believe in 4 short months he went from 8 pounds 4 ounces and 21 and a half inches to where he is now!

Then his world was destroyed as he had to endure another round of shots. Of course it didn't help that by the time his appointment was over he was tired and hungry, so I was feeding him when the nurse came back in to give him his shots. He seemed to be screaming and crying twice as hard between being mad that his meal had been interrupted and then being stuck with a bunch of needles. Ugh, that is one part of being a parent that I wish I could pass off to someone else! I know they are necessary and I would never want to skip them, but it is just a miserable experience to have to watch him be so upset. I am just glad Scott was able to be there for support because having to do that alone would be awful. Thankfully, he fell asleep on the way home:

On a good note, Gavin decided to surprise us by rolling from his tummy to his back today. It was AWESOME!



I have been working with Gavin on his sitting with various things to assisting him as he learns to keep his balance and build his muscle control; the couch, chairs, his boppy. He has been getting better, although he still seems to be a ways away from sitting unassisted. Tonight as we were playing a bit before his last feeding and bedtime, I pulled out his Lightning McQueen car and he immediately grabbed for the steering wheel (he has never done this before) and he sitting up like a champ! He even smiled at me a few times while riding it (also something he has never done - usually Scott and I get a blank stare). It seems that despite the shots ruining his morning, once he woke from his long nap following his appointment he was in the mood for lots of firsts today!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Grandma Knows Best!

Gavin has lots of toys, but he seems to enjoy the things that Grandma finds for him the best! She found a cute dog for Valentine's Day that plays "Do You Love Me (Now That I Can Dance)" and he absolutely loves it! He loves to watch it during tummy time, grab it by the ears (or any part he can get ahold of) while it moves:

H also loves to get any part he can into his mouth to eat:

What a silly little boy!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

4 Months

Wow, 4 months old! Well, technically Gavin is now 4 months and 1 day old, but close enough! I can't believe how quickly the last 4 months have gone by. He has grown up so much and looks less like a baby as each day passes. I mean, just look at my handsome 4 month old boy!

I know I am a bit biased but isn't he the cutest boy you have ever seen! It is hard to see how much he has changed without comparison pictures. I will have to make a post another time showing his progression

Scott and I are so lucky because Gavin is such a happy kid. Gavin and I have so much fun each day as we play and try to teach him how to do things and what everything he sees are. He has been smiling since around 6 weeks but was very stingy with who and when he would share those. Now he smiles for us all the time! It is the best feeling when he sees me and has a huge grin because he is happy I am there.

I was pleasantly surprised when he laughed for the first time. He was close to 3 months at the time. It was hard to bring on those giggles, but it gets easier every day. Despite having to sometimes work hard for them the reward is amazingly high when he does actually laugh. It is honestly the best sound I have ever heard!

He tolerates being on his stomach during "tummy time" better and for longer periods but he still generally hates it which means he hasn't figured out how to roll over from tummy to back yet. He has however figured out how to roll from back to tummy. He surprised us Super Bowl Sunday and rolled over. Sadly, I was not in the room at the time, I had chosen to get up and get a cookie and Scott calls me back in to tell me what just happened and I was in shock. Honestly, I was sad at first because I had missed his first roll, I am with him all the time, how in the world did I manage to miss it! It was that stupid cookie that I decided I had to have! I managed to get over that and just enjoy him and he rewarded us with a few more rolls that night. He rarely chooses to roll anymore but that is just fine with me, that gives me more time before he starts moving around the room getting into things!

I feel so blessed to be able to stay home with him each day. It is like a dream come true to be home raising my family! It is an amazing experience to watch him learn and grow knowing that Scott and I made him. He is absolutely perfect in every way and we look forward to all the adventures we have to come in our life.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Family Introduction

I think I should begin with some background on our little family.

Scott and I met almost 6 years ago while I was working for a local credit union. He (thankfully) was confident enough to ask me to dinner. When I accepted we picked a day, time and place for our first date. Little did we know that this would be our last first date and we had chosen April 1. Clearly, this date went well and we began spending a great deal of time together.

I knew early on that Scott was the one that I was going to spend my life with. Thankfully Scott felt the same way and September 16, 2007 he asked me to marry him while we enjoyed being back on the beach in Corolla, NC (the Outer Banks). After getting over the initial shock, I quickly said "YES"!

We spent several months just enjoying each other and being engaged before we began planning our wedding. We knew that once the planning began, we would be busy until it was over. We eventually decided that September 5, 2009 would be the perfect date. Everything fell into place from there. It was a truly amazing day that I will have to make a separate post about another time.

We decided we did not want to wait too long before adding children to our family. I was truly shocked (and a bit in denial) when I took a pregnancy test February 15, 2010 and it was positive. Scott had told me about two weeks before that he was sure I was and I kept telling him that he was crazy, my sudden craving for corn dogs and donuts were just because they taste good and I had not had either in so long. Well, once I got over the shock (and about 3 tests later), I had to admit that I was wrong and yes, those cravings may have been a bit crazy. That is one of the times that being wrong was perfectly fine with me!

Scott and I knew that before we welcomed a baby into the world we had some work to do. We took some huge projects on (bathroom remodel, remove upstairs carpeting and refinish hardwood floors, painting (LOTS of painting) the upstairs and creation of the nursery from what used to be our exercise room). Although we still have some minor detail work to be finished, we were able to do all that and have lots of fun!

October 19, 2010 changed our world forever and it was definitely for the better. Gavin Jonas McClements came into the world. I should have written it all down sooner (and I will likely have to do a separate post to contain all the events) but it was the most amazing experience of my life. Sitting here with Gavin sleeping on my chest, it is hard to believe that we made him and brought him into this world. He is absolutely perfect and has brought so much happiness to Scott and I. We have enjoyed watching him grow and look forward to all the wonderful times to come!

Hello World!

Well, I thought it was about time for me to join the blogging world. I certainly do not have a particularly interesting life, but I would like to keep better track of what my family and I are up to and even share some of my favorite photos of those events and possibly even some of my favorite recipes! Hopefully you will enjoy reading about what Scott, Gavin and I are up to because I know I will enjoy writing about it for us to look back at in the future.