Monday, March 31, 2014

Why Hello Spring, So Glad to See You!!!

After 3 days of rainy and cold weather, we seem to be finally heading towards spring appropriate weather! YAY! Today turned into an absolutely beautiful day, quite unexpectedly. It was pretty windy, but it was warm enough that we were still able to enjoy some fresh air!

We had a lot of fun today despite choosing to skip our regular playgroup activities. We decided to go out to lunch. Gavin was originally requesting the colorful chips that Mole Mole (an awesome local Mexican restaurant had for a while) but Scott informed us that they didn't have the cool red and green chips anymore so Gavin was no longer interested in that and requested the mac and cheese from Panera. We decided to go since we so rarely go to lunch and I am so glad we did! We had a great time. Gavin and Dane really enjoyed their lunches and were very well behaved. I got to enjoy my lunch while helping Dane eat some of his (to avoid the usual mess that goes with him trying to use utensils). Gavin was a great helper with cleaning up and loved that we were close enough to a garbage can that he was allowed to get up and throw things out by himself.

I had decided we were going to stop and get a donut to share on the way home too (but didn't tell Gavin) and so we had a bit of a meltdown as we tried to leave when Gavin insisted he needed one of the giant cookies from Panera and didn't appreciate me saying not today. He was so determined to get the cookie it took him lots of whining as he followed me to the car before he was ready to hear that I already had something else planned. Once he heard that we were going to get a donut to share he was immediately happy and was sorry he wouldn't listen before.

We went inside to pick out the donut and ended up staying to eat because Gavin really wanted to sit at the table with really tall chairs. It was fun and we all really enjoyed trying out the new Peeps donut. Gavin loved taking the Peep duck off the top and getting that all to himself.


When we got home, since Dane had decided he wasn't going to take another nap, we headed outside for a bit. We probably bundled up a bit more than was really necessary but I didn't want anyone to be cold since it was so windy. In the sun, it was really nice and warm. Such a nice and welcome change from the cold and cloudy weather we have had lately.

We went over to Valkill and when we got to the bridge, we were shocked at how much water there was. Given the amount of rain we just had plus all the melting snow, it isn't really a surprise. It is still impressive because I have never seen it anywhere near this high. The boys enjoyed throwing some rocks and sticks in the water before we needed to head home.

We are looking forward to heading back over tomorrow since the weather is supposed to be even better! I am sure we will have some rainy and possibly even more cold weather ahead of us, but it really is nice to have a glimpse of being able to spend more time outside soon!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dear Spring,

Where are you? I know we are only now actually in spring but it has been a rough winter around here. Between the bitter cold temperatures, crazy amounts of snow, and awful sicknesses floating around we are all ready for more signs of warmer weather and healthier times. Yes, we have been overall lucky, but the last week and a half of the stomach bug running through our house has pretty much taken all I had left to tolerate being cooped up in the house. We need out. We need to be able to open windows, we need to see green grass, leaves, and all the beautiful flowers! The last few years the snow has been long gone by now and it has warmed up enough to be outside more and start going on walks again. Why not this year? I know I should be grateful for the snow because it is important but I think it is time for it to go and be replaced with spring showers (and even thunderstorms too because those are a lot of fun to watch and listen to). I am certainly not looking forward to the tick checks, frustrations, and constant paranoia that it brings but at least we can put things down in an effort to limit, if not eliminate, the little jerks.

Anyway, clearly it has been a rough week and a half and I am just antsy for the next season to actually begin. I will do my best to wait patiently for spring, but if you can hurry up, that would be great. Thanks!

(Plus a cute picture of Gavin in his new rain boots - even he is sick of seeing snow (and bundling up to go outside) and ready to be tromping through puddles (not snow) and digging in the dirt!)

(Plus, plus a cute picture of Dane from his checkup this morning - other than screaming bloody murder the second the nurse or doctor dared to even look at him, he did well. He is growing and doing what he should developmentally - 32.5 inches, 25 pounds 5 ounces

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Snow, Snow, Go Away? Please?

I have really enjoyed winter this year. I have really enjoyed how most of the snow has happened during the day so we can be snowed in and go out and play with the snow still falling. It is beautiful and while I prefer the warmer months and the first part of fall much more, I also look forward to snow each year. I love living in a place with all four seasons. I am just really ready for spring. While I am not ready for the tick problem that comes with the warmer weather, I am ready to not need to bundle up three people (carting around three coats and putting said coats on, no fun at all) and to have more than 45-60 minutes outside at a time because it is just to cold lately!

While it feels like spring is getting closer because we have more daylight, it does not look like spring will ever happen since the ground is still covered in snow and ice and the temperature is just plain freezing still. There is a potential storm this week and I am really hoping that it is just rain. Maybe I should embrace it and hope for one more snowstorm to enjoy with the boys but I am having a hard time seeing that side and really needing some signs of spring instead.

I am really needing the spring so we can be outside more, hang clothes and diapers out (nothing better than fresh laundry from outside!), wash the car more frequently, open windows, attempt some gardening (which I am sure will make Scott laugh since I have yet to be successful in any way), grill more easily (and more frequently), have more fruit and vegetable choices, more options for activities and playdates, go for walks, and just more fun in general. Gavin and Dane don't seem to mind being out in the cold but man, I am tired of it and I bet once it starts warming up they will realize how much better it is without snow on the ground! So, please, pretty please, let spring be here soon!