Anyway, despite the long drive and little sleep Friday night (since Gavin was up every 2 hours for the first part of the night and then every hour until he woke up at 6:30 refusing to go back to sleep - talk about regressing!), Saturday we had a lot of fun. Scott went to Matthew's basketball game, I stayed back with Gavin since I had finally gotten him down for a nap (which ended up being a great thing since he woke up grumpy, ate and then went down for another short nap). When they got back, we had lunch and did lots of playing. Scott played some video games and then the drums and guitar with Matthew. When Gavin wasn't napping or eating we hung out with Erin. Mike pulled out some of the toys they still had from when Matthew and Erin were Gavin's age. He really enjoyed those, especially since Erin was so interested in being right next to him helping him with things.
The highlight of all this activity was Scott discovering Erin's cozy coupe. Despite this being the pink princess edition, Gavin absolutely LOVED being pushed around the house in it. We have decided that Gavin has to have one - just not the pink version.
"Uh, oh... Well, this is embarrassing!"
"Out of my way, I'm Lightening McQueen!"
Princess Erin! (Yes, that is one of Gavin's burp cloths... apparently Gavin's spit up = princess clothing, silly kids!)
We ended the night by watching a few movies that Matthew had not seen and the adults had not seen in a long time, Big and Short Circuit - both great movies!
Thankfully, Gavin slept much better Saturday night and even slept in until 8:15! Such a rare occurrence it is too bad we couldn't really take advantage of it because we wanted to go to Matthew's soccer game Sunday morning. Oh well, it was worth it. We really enjoyed watching him play.
Then it was time to pack things up and head home. It was a short trip, but we are so glad we made it. We really enjoyed spending time with the Virginia McClements clan!
The trip back was much better than the one down. Before getting on the long road back, we met a radio friend of Scott's for lunch. It was really nice to see him and his wife again and for them to meet Gavin. We really enjoyed the good food and company.
"Oh no, not this again!"
Once we were back on the road, I did my best to distract Gavin with lots of toys and books.
"Hmm, what's this? Let me taste it to see if it is worth playing with..."
"Get me out of here!"
"Are we home yet?"
Thankfully, the trip back was much better. A lot less screaming, but that was probably a bit of a fluke, who knows. We managed to return home at a reasonable hour, which was really nice! Before too long it was time for bed and another weekend was gone. At least we had a weekend away from home so we did not feel guilty about not working on the many projects that need to be done around the house. The trip was totally worth it!
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