Weight - 20 pounds 2 ounces (96 percentile)
Height - 28 inches (98th percentile)
Clothing Size - This greatly depends on the brand, but Gavin mostly wears 6-9 and 6-12 month clothing. I just recently pulled out a few things he has that are 12 month and although they are big, they are not so big he can't wear them and get more use out of them.
Milestones -
*Gavin now blatantly refuses tummy time because he has started rolling over more frequently. He now promptly rolls himself onto his back with 30 seconds of my trying to enforce the torture. I have to work hard to keep him entertained so he continues to get enough time every day.
*He has started standing while holding onto things other than Scott or my hands, although not entirely stable, still quite the accomplishment.
*He is very effective scooting backwards while on his stomach and all over the place on his back (whether rolling from side to side or using his feet to push him all over).
*He puts anything and everything he can get his hands on in his mouth, no teeth or definite signs of teeth soon though.
*His napping and nighttime sleeping habits have mostly stabilized and are fairly good (most days).
*He is a giggling and laughing machine and SO ticklish now! Scott says to stop tickling him because it isn't fair, but Gavin doesn't seem to mind and it is so much fun (and super cute)! He laughs all the time at the craziest things. I am so glad he does this so much more often because it is the best sound in the world!
Other -
*We are going to start giving him "solid" food this weekend (we finally found a high chair we both like) and moving him into a new car seat. Both will be separate posts when we get there officially.
*He has added smacking his lips, blowing bubbles and making a "yumyum" type noise to his "vocabulary" it is really cute and always makes me laugh... such a silly boy!
It is such an amazing experience to watch him grow and learn. I truly love being a stay at home mom. I feel so blessed that we are in a position that I can be. He is an absolutely perfect little boy, we couldn't ask for a better addition to our little family!
So grown up!
Hamming it up!
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