Friday, March 4, 2011

Feet: Not Just For Walking

Gavin has "discovered" his feet. The first time he really grabbed them on purpose and seemed interested was this past Saturday morning. By the time Monday rolled around, all he seemed to want to do was grab his feet! Diaper changes and getting dressed have now become a more interesting prospect. I have to pry his hands off of his feet to try to get him dressed/undressed and get diapers off and put a new one on.

No complaints though it is a lot of fun to see how excited he gets and how much fun he has grabbing his feet. He literally makes me laugh every time!

He also rolls from side to side while on his playmat and it is quite and effective mode of transportation for him now. Thankfully he can't really go too far, but I am sure those days are numbered!

Such an innocent look wondering what I am laughing at him for, interrupting his play time!

Uh, oh - caught again!

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