Gavin's new car seat came last week. We are quite impressed in how it looks and feels. We are hoping Gavin will be more comfortable and not completely hate car rides now that he has a new seat. Maybe we will even get lucky and he will decide it is comfortable enough to even start falling asleep in the car. Doubtful, but I can dream, can't I?
Once I figured out how to adjust the straps (the directions were quite vague and even lacking explanations on a few things), I sat Gavin in it so I could get the adjustments right before it was loaded into the Terrain where it will be more difficult to make those adjustments.
We have only taken one ride in it so far, but considering he didn't scream at me the entire way to the store and back, I consider it a win. Hopefully that was not just a fluke and he really does like his new seat considering how much time I spent picking out one that looked comfortable, was highly rated for safety as well as by other consumers.
Gavin's first tooth started really coming in last week. He has had some "signs" of teething for a couple of months now (massive amounts of drool and chewing on everything he can get his hands on), but there were no signs of an actual tooth coming through. That is until Wednesday night when I thought I saw a little white spot on his lower gums. Sure enough, when I got a better look (with great difficulty), there was a tooth starting to come through!
Well, it was all downhill from there. Since Wednesday night, he has clearly been uncomfortable. He has been a lot more fussy and generally unhappy since then, which is not helped by the fact he is also not sleeping as well. We have tried all kinds of things to try to help him (teething toys (pacifiers now have a use as he chews on them!), cold wash cloths, chewing on my fingers, his own, baby orajel and I even resorted to trying a little baby tylenol) but nothing seems to help much or is completely rejected (in the case of the cold wash cloths or toys). Hopefully the tooth will finish breaking through soon and any others either come in quickly or hold off for a while. I managed to get a picture of it while we were playing on Friday.
Look at that little tooth coming in!
Gavin's sitting has improved, although still relatively unstable, he is getting better and lasting longer each day.
He often ends up squished almost in half because he either sees his feet and must try to eat them (of which he often succeeds) or he is trying to get a different part of a toy or a different toy altogether.
I also did a little baking the last few days. Not that we really needed to have anything around the house for me to eat, since my will power has apparently dwindled to zero, but we had a few bananas that I wouldn't eat, but they were perfect for baking. So I made some banana cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
Thankfully the recipe only made 12, too bad I think I ate more than half of them between Wednesday night and Friday night... that is ok because they are healthy, right? That is what I tell myself.
I made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream frosting Saturday morning because we had our friends Chad and Heather coming over that afternoon and so I had to make something, right? I know, I know. I didn't have to, but I used it as my excuse anyways.
Not all that impressive looking because my decorating skills are seriously lacking but they were so yummy! Quite obvious they were a hit with all of us (especially me) given that there are only 5 of the 15 left... oops.
We had a great visit with Chad and Heather. Despite Gavin's understandable mood swings, he seemed to really enjoying meeting them as well. He loved the shadow puppets Heather was making on the kitchen wall, he was just giggling away. He enjoys having an audience and likes to show off what he can do. Such a silly boy! Hopefully we will all get to see them again in a few months when their little girl is born and Gavin will have another baby to interact with!
Other than that things have been pretty normal, for us anyway. Scott is busy with radio and antennas in between entertaining Gavin when he gets sick of me. I drive myself batty trying to keep the house clean to my standards (a losing battle that I have yet to give up on) and try to fit in all the other things I need to get done in between playing and working on things with Gavin. Life is good, especially since the sun has been out the last few days and even though it is still pretty cold, seeing the sun, the longer days and the occassional 40 and 50 degree weather gives me hope that warmer weather is close which means it is easier to grill for dinner! Wahoo, burgers for dinner tonight!!!
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