Going back to before our trip to Hilton Head, the last week of July Gavin and I had a lot to do but we managed to have some fun too! Gavin is very good at pulling all his toys out, scattering them, taking them apart, etc, and then bolts for the electronics in the dining room that we have not yet gotten around to getting on shelves (there is still some decision making happening on whether the shelves that were there previously will go back up or if we will get something new). He is pretty clever and very fast.
He also flattens his play mat/gym at least once a day. I think I may have to actually pack that away one of these days. I keep putting it off because he does enjoy crawling around it still, but I also don't want him to destroy it because he stands at it and bangs it around and then rides it to the ground on a regular basis!
Gavin has also taken to lounging in his high chair when he eats.
He is so silly! At least he is comfortable while he eats. He loves food and often feeds himself (finally)!
While I clean up the huge mess he inevitably makes while eating, he plays and starts making other messes in the kitchen. He loves his Leap Frog animal magnet set but he loves getting into the bottom drawer where all the reusable containers are stored even more!

The drawers are pretty heavy and he opens any of them up so easily, it is really hard to believe how strong he is for such a little person.
Towards the end of the week, Gavin had to spend a little time in what I like to call baby jail so I could get a few things done for our trip. I bribed him with some Yo Gabba Gabba, so he only protested a little until he saw it start (yup - the bribing/negotiating has already begun)!
Thankfully most of what I needed to get done I was able to do during naps and at night so he spent minimal time confined. It was also a huge help when Grandma came by to entertain him for a few hours! We even found time to go to Cold Stone for ice cream (well Grandma and I had ice cream, Gavin just tried to get into things).
A very busy couple of days but we had a lot of fun getting ready for our trip!
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