Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Hair Cut!

On our long list of things to do/pack the week before we went on vacation was for Scott and Gavin to get their hair cut. Gavin's hair has been getting a bit long in the back, around his ears and really needed a trim to even it all out. Although I didn't love the idea that he had gotten to a point where his hair needed to be trimmed, I also knew it would look so much nicer after. So, we set off to see Josephine so she could cut Scott's hair and then tackle Gavin's.

Gavin did really well! It took both Scott and I to keep Gavin entertained so he would hold as still as possible for Josephine to work her magic. Gavin sat on my lap and ended up with Scott's truck keys, that was a huge hit. He was thrilled to have something "new" and exciting to chew on (gross, yes... oh well, germs happen)! Scott even managed to squeeze in a few pictures. Gavin looks great, however, most of them have one of us in a rather strange pose/facial expression or are otherwise unusable.

The few winners...

I think he approves of his new hair cut. He looks even more handsome now!

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