My attempt at a 10 month photo shoot was interesting. Gavin wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get a good picture. He was up, down, leaning over the side, then up and moving towards the other side. Seriously, he doesn't sit still. Ever. Unless he is strapped down!
Some outtakes...

Let's see what has changed in the last month!
Weight - I am guessing closer to 25 pounds now, it is hard to get him to sit still on the scale long enough to get a good read!
Height - Who knows... he won't sit still long enough for me to try to take a guess.
Clothing Size - Nothing new here, thankfully his growth has slowed down enough that he hasn't grown out of anything in a while!
Milestones -
*Gavin is getting very close to walking. He is cruising around much more quickly and lets go and will stand independently for long stretches. He will even do that while playing with or examining a toy/object. He has taken a few steps in the last two weeks but no actual walking. I can't imagine it will be long before he more consistently takes a step or two and that then turns into walking himself around to get into even more trouble than he already manages to find!
*Gavin's stranger anxiety seems to have gotten much better. He did really well when we were in Hilton Head and hasn't had any issues while we have been out at stores. He has even gotten more vocal when we are out and about. He used to be fairly quiet, taking it all in and not saying much. Now he is constantly babbling and smiling for anyone that will pay attention to him. I hope that this lasts!
*Gavin has discovered lots of new noises and vowel sounds this month. He seriously doesn't stop "talking" almost the whole time he is awake! His new favorites are "dada", which he repeated nonstop the entire week we were at the beach, mimicking sounds we make (roars, screams, etc) and talking/yelling into empty containers.
*Gavin shakes his head no if you shake your head or tell him no. He also does it if you try to tell him yes and try to get him to nod his head. It is really funny, especially when he gets overly enthusiastic and he has his whole body shaking from side to side and he is throwing his arms into the mix. We still need to get some video of it and I will have to upload it. I am sure it will quickly lose the cuteness factor as he gets older but for now, it makes us laugh every time (even when he is attempting to get into trouble).
*Gavin has six teeth (three on top and three on the bottom) with who knows how many more coming in. He clearly has at least one still coming in somewhere, but I had no idea where because he won't sit still or open his mouth long enough I can get a good look.
Yet another amazing month with an absolutely awesome and perfect little boy! I wouldn't trade one second of the time I get with him. I am truly the luckiest person in the world to be his mother and to be able to be home with him. We have so much fun every day! He is such a happy, sweet and fun little boy!
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