Gavin has enjoyed having blankets/towels/burp clothes (pretty much any kind of fabric) fall on his face and then be pulled off, fall on his face, then pulled off, over and over again. His eyes get so big and he smiles and giggles. If he is grumpy it will often put him in a good mood again (at least while you are playing). I had turned it into a form of peek a boo to make it more fun and he loves it even more now. I tried to get some pictures of this, but unfortunately, I have no mastered getting the after photo with the level of excitement that is always there. Oh well...
Gavin has started kneeling when he plays from time to time. This is my favorite new thing he does, I just love how cute he looks kneeling at a toy. His Lightening McQueen car and Leap Frog table are the toys he is most likely to do this as.
Gavin's sitting has greatly improved, however he has started lunging after toys more often now and almost always ends up on his stomach. This usually leads to one of three things. 1. Immediate anger and screaming that he is on his stomach and also didn't get whatever toy he was after. 2. Scooting backwards in an attempt to still get whatever toy he was after and then anger/frustration because he is moving farther from the toy. 3. Rolling over and then attempting to get himself back to a sitting position, which really only looks like he is doing Pilates. It is funny to watch as he tries to figure out how to get at the things he wants, he is so determined!
We started introducing more finger foods for Gavin to work on the coordination he needs to feed himself. I tried giving him some sweet potato fries I had made and that ended up in disaster because he immediately grabbed one and tried to shove the whole thing in his mouth. So I went to plan B and picked up some "puffs". They are puffed rice that come in a variety of flavors and are great because they dissolve when Gavin manages to get one in his mouth, so you don't have to worry about him choking, even if he manages to get more than one in at a time. (Once he can be trusted to not shove a handful in his mouth at a time and to chew what he has before attempting to swallow we can go to cheerios and other easy snacks). He still has trouble getting them in his mouth once he gets one up (it usually ends up stuck to the palm of his hand or falling out of his mouth). He has however quickly figured out that when we hold one out for him to pick up or to try to show him what to do, he just needs to grab our hand and get his mouth to it to get one. So creative!
We just introduced a new toy/feeding item at the end of last week. It is a mesh feeder, essentially a piece of mesh that has a handle on it that you can enclose food in and hand it over to your child without having to worry about them choking on pieces of food that are too big. I tried putting a piece of apple in it first, that was not a hit, but I think that was because Gavin apparently does not like apples (he apparently doesn't like any fruit, but that is a different story for a different day). Then I tried putting some sweet potato in it and he couldn't get enough of it. He was even upset when I took it to put more in when he had finished the first piece. It is a great item because he gets the freedom to feed himself (which he really wants) in a fairly easy way!
The last new thing that Gavin has started is trying to climb out of his tub. I am wondering if this is the beginning of him trying to pull himself up using anything and his tub is just the easiest place to start. I am really hoping he holds off on using other items to try to stand up with. I am really not ready to have a mobile baby!
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