I have been cleaning and organizing various things in the house during Gavin's naps. Although I still have a long way to go in some rooms, I have at least made a little progress in getting rid of items that were not used/needed or garbage and reorganize things to make better use of the space. It is amazing how long it can take to get things done, even when you are motivated, but I try to keep reminding myself a little progress each day/week is better than nothing and it will eventually all get done.
I have started a very small "garden" this year. I have been wanting to do this for years, but I never really put in the time needed to have it be successful. I think I also tried to take on too much at once. So, I decided to start small and see how that goes and then maybe add to it later in the year and next year. I planted a few kinds of lettuce, cucumbers and bell peppers (it was a variety of colors in the pack - hopefully they will be pretty and tasty). They are almost all ready to be transplanted into bigger pots so that is one of my projects tomorrow. I will post some pictures once I finish.
I had my first "official" Mothers Day. It was a nice day with Scott and Gavin. We went to my parents house for dinner that my dad made. It was delicious - smothered chicken, broccoli, artichokes and rolls! He made German chocolate cake for dessert as well! It was great to not have to cook and clean up and to have such great food!
Gavin and I had quite a few outings last week and the week before. We spent several days with Lisa, Rich and Elena, always lots of fun! We went to the park with them and did some walking, ran some errands and played at their house. Gavin really loves spending time with them!
We also made a trip down to Somers to go to lunch and visit with some of my friends from work. I have been wanting to make a trip down for quite some time, but it kept being put off because of bad weather and Gavin not doing well in the car. Thankfully, he has been doing much better since his move to the convertible car seat, so I thought we would give it a shot. The trip down went well and in the little over an hour it took to get there, he only started to fuss a little towards the end. He did really well while we were there also (we spent most of the day there) and loved all the attention. The only issue we had was he absolutely hated the elevator! It was the craziest thing, we would walk on and he would immediately start getting upset. I even tried the stairs to see if that was better (since we had to go up to the 4th floor, I initially took the elevator to make my life easier - he is heavy!) and he still freaked out. Thankfully everyone we were on the elevators with were really good sports about it and didn't seem to mind. We had a lot of fun visiting and everyone loved him! I fed him in the car before we left to get him to take a much needed nap and when I transferred him to his car seat he stay asleep! He then slept the entire way home which took about an hour and 15 minutes! Aside from that being a long nap for him (he usually only naps for 45 minutes at a time), this is the kid that used to refuse sleeping in the car and pretty much screamed about being strapped into a car seat! Huge improvement! (He has since stayed asleep when transferred to his car seat twice!!!)
The last few days have been less fun because we apparently have to pay for the week of beautiful weather and have had several cloudy/rainy days and many more ahead of us. That means we have been mostly stuck home and inside. We have been trying to make the best of it and having fun. I pulled out a few toys that he hasn't really played with and they have been a big hit. Especially his phone...

He also loves the coasters we have (that almost never get used). He discovered those this morning when we were sitting and watching the rain.

I have also been busy baking, again. It really is a problem, especially since I end up eating most of whatever it happens to be. I really need to find the self control I used to have... it has been missing for quite some time now!
Oh well, that is all for now. I will be sure to share a few other fun things soon!
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