Alright, here is where we are another month later...
Weight - Roughly the same, 21 and a half pounds (we won't get another official weight and height check until next month, we are not going to the doctor this month)
Height - Roughly the same, about 29 inches
Clothing Size - Since his growth has slowed down so much (I guess they were right in saying once he started moving more he would slow down), he has not grown out of too much in the last month. Depending on the brand he is wearing either 6-9 or 6-12. A few things of his 6 month onsies (which technically means they are 3-6 month sizing) still fit so he wears those still. He has a few shirts and shorts that are 12-18 months. (They are still pretty big on him, but I want him to get more than just a few weeks use out of his clothes.)
Milestones -
*Gavin has been working on his "pinch and grab" skills (fine motor skills). I introduced "puffs" for a fun snack and safe way for him to practice. These are great because they dissolve in his mouth so you don't need to worry about the choking hazard other foods can create. He seemed to enjoy them, but he wasn't able to pick them up and get them in his mouth. He would end up with (typically more than one) the puffs in the palm of his hand which made it virtually impossible for him to actually eat. We worked with him to try to show him how to pick up one at a time and move it to his mouth. Instead of trying to do that, he would just grab our hand and pull it towards his mouth to eat the puff. Thus accomplishing what he wanted, eating his snack. It was really cute!
Although he will still do this if you are holding it out for him, in the last two days he has (seemingly) all of a sudden started picking up a puff at a time and eating it. I placed a few on his tray today and I turned to put the cap on the container and send Scott a message and in the 30 seconds it took me to do that, he had eaten all of them! So I tested it some more to make sure I wasn't going crazy (because I couldn't find them on the floor or anywhere on/under his high chair) and sure enough, he did it again!!
*Gavin is still very stubborn about being on his stomach. It is pretty difficult to enforce playing on his stomach when he immediately rolls over. Although I am in no hurry for him to crawl (or walk), he does need to eventually and he certainly needs to continue to build his muscle and control. So, I started putting him on his hands and knees to get him to use those muscles some more. He is doing pretty well with it and rarely protests that as badly as tummy time, even though it doesn't take too long before he flattens and then rolls to his back (and then tries does pilates trying to sit up). He has been making some progress though and has begun to rock back and forth a little, which is the first step to actually crawling. I am sure we still have another month or two before that happens (at least that is what I tell myself to feel better), but it is still nice to see him grow and progress towards new milestones.
*Gavin has been sitting on his own for a while now and although sometimes he forgets to use his hands to steady himself or not to throw himself backwards, he does really well and prefers to be sitting while playing. He now lunges after the toy he wants if he can't easily reach it (mini-demonstration via pictures below). This used to mean that he would just smash into his mat, but he has now learned how to go to a crawling position which he then flattens out from to reach whatever he was after. It is pretty funny to watch because he has not yet figured out how to get back to a sitting position and so he ends up on his back doing his pilates.

*Gavin's sleep was pretty good up until about a week and a half ago. His sleeping had deteriorated to the point of waking up more times than I care to count, not falling asleep easily and waking up way too early (especially given the lack of sleep). This was all impacting his napping as well (which is already not all that great) and making us all miserable.
So, after a lot of discussion we decided to try a few things to see if that would maybe help the situation. We decided to push up his bath and bedtime from 7:30 to 7, so that he would be asleep by 8. We decided to see if he was ready to sleep by himself in his crib (he has been sleeping in his crib for naps for about 4 months, but was still in bed with me at night because he was still getting up 2-3 times a night to eat). We also decided I would nurse and put him to sleep in his room instead of laying on the couch or in bed and then transferring him to bed later.
Well, the first night was a complete success! Gavin was out before 8, slept for 6 and a half hours, ate and went back to sleep for another 3 hours, ate and then slept for another 3 hours! It was awesome! We tried not to celebrate too much, just in case it was a fluke. Thankfully he has continued to do well. He is asleep earlier and sleeping later in the morning than 7. I also get the benefit of having some time to myself after he is in bed, instead of being tied to him longer like I was before. I am sad that he was finally ready to be in his crib, but it has been nice for Scott and I to have more time together as well.
*Gavin is doing a million times better in his car seat as well. He does well during our ride and even sleeps in his car seat now! It is certainly about time, considering most kids always fall asleep in the car!
*Gavin is a babbling machine! It is so much fun to hear as he comes up with new noises to make and even tries to repeat us when we make the noises back to him. Although it means nothing at this point in time, it is still fun to hear when he actually manages to use m's and I hear a mom or ma ma ma ma ma ma. I don't want time to go by any faster, but I do look forward to when he says that and knows what it means.
*Gavin has quite the personality. He is so happy and fun. He laughs all the time, sometimes at the strangest things. He loves to be sung to and he already loves to be bounced all over, "thrown" up in the air and wrestle. He loves to sit by himself and although he doesn't want to be left alone in the room (he often gets upset if I step out to get something from another room), he also doesn't want you on top of him all the time. He likes his personal space. He also is so strong, he will push/pull do whatever it takes to get himself in the position he wants to be held in. He even pries your hands off of him if he is standing with your help so he can just hold your fingers!
He is certainly growing up fast, he is such a joy in our lives and we look forward to all the amazing things yet to come!
I will leave you with some pictures from our quick photo session on the back porch today. Enjoy!

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