We were all packed up and headed down to the garage, like we always do. He was in a good mood, so I was hopeful that he would survive the couple of hours it would take between our mall trip, the grocery store and driving. As I was loading coats, my purse and his diaper wet/dry bag into the car, Gavin was exploring the garage. He often likes to check out the snow blower and generator because what little boy wouldn't love those. This time, he decided to find the tub of used motor oil that was sitting by the generator that Scott had not gotten a chance to get rid of yet. I turned around to his hand, elbow deep, in said tub. I yelled, "NOOOOOO", which was the worst thing I could do because that caused Gavin to freak out. His hand flew out of the oil and he tried to grab me to pick him up. This caused the freak out to deteriorate to meltdown levels quickly as I wouldn't pick him up because I didn't want to be covered in oil too!
Thankfully, there was a roll of paper towels close by, so I quickly grabbed those to try to minimize any additional damage. Gavin had a long sleeved shirt on, so that was soaked up past his elbow, his hand had dripped on other parts of his shirt, all over his pants and shoes and all over the floor and the generator box. It was such a mess.
I managed to get him wiped off enough I could strip him down without smearing much oil all over the rest of him and cleaned up the floor enough there were not giant drips of oil all over. We went back upstairs and I got him in the tub and grabbed the dawn dish soap. Yup, Gavin took a bath with dish soap! Nothing else was going to clean up the oil from his skin better than a soap intended to cut grease. I am so glad that we had plain, original dawn. I had picked it up because it has been recommended for stripping diapers (which you do periodically to ensure they are super clean and absorbing properly) because I prefer a different dawn when I wash dishes by hand. I think this was the only time Gavin was not happy about being in the bathtub.
It is hard to tell that the water is blue in the picture, but the it was quite blue and there were A LOT of bubbles. I probably could have used less dawn, but I wasn't taking any chances!
After he was out of the tub, I attempted to save his clothes. I soaked them in the sink with dawn and periodically drained the water , rinsed and wrung out before refilling with soap and water. This morning I put them in the washer with Tide and Oxy Clean to see if I could get rid of the oil smell and to also see if they would survive the oil incident. They seem to be ok, other than being a bit smelly still. I am hoping another run through or two with Oxy Clean will fix that. At least there doesn't seem to be any permanent damage in terms of stains.
There was no way we were going to do all our shopping but since we really needed to go to the grocery store, we made a quick trip there for what we needed yesterday and I planned to try again today. It seemed as though we were on track to make it to the mall for the afternoon, until Gavin decided he would take a nap after lunch! He had taken a late morning nap so I figured he would be good and would either nap on our way home or take one when we got home. I was quite wrong. He was ready for a nap, so I let him sleep and hoped it would be a short one. Wrong again. As it got later I figured I should start dinner so we could maybe still make it to the mall and only have to finish putting dinner together when we got home. When he finally woke up, it was pretty late but I was determined to at least do some of the errands because there were some things we actually needed from Target that I had been putting off picking up until I made a trip there. So, I loaded all our stuff up and off we went.
We managed to get the things we needed, pick up a few more Christmas presents and get home in time to quickly finish dinner up. Scott managed to get home before us, so that was a huge help in me getting dinner on the table because by the time we got home, Gavin was running around like a crazy person from being cooped up in the car, cart and then the car again for the last two hours or so. It was totally worth it though! We are one step closer to being done with our Christmas shopping!
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