Our drive to Pittsburgh was significantly better than our previous long car trips. Gavin did really well playing with all his toys and even took a long nap! We picked out a few new toys and books to pull out during the drive to help keep him entertained. A xylophone, see and say, ring stacker, 100 baby first words and some Berenstain Bears books (some of my favorites from when I was a kid). He seemed to like them and enjoyed having new items to chew on.
We enjoyed visiting with Mike, Teri, Matthew and Erin the first few days we were there. They also had made the trip home for 4th of July. Once Gavin warmed up (thankfully there was only a little bit of screaming and crying at the unfamiliar people), he loved having Matthew and Erin around.
We spent out first full day outside, letting Gavin acclimate to the new surrounds by checking out (pulling up and eating) the grass and watching all the cars and trucks drive by. He loved all the traffic. Anytime we were out front or in the breezeway, he was distracted by all the traffic. Scott got the Terrain washed while Gavin and I hung out in the grass. Erin even joined us for a bit.
We also had to get Gavin in the pool! We have been looking forward to this for a long time. He loves his little pool and baths, so we were really hoping that he would like (if not love) the big pool. We got his floats blown up, covered him in sunblock and got him dressed (quite the undertaking for someone that hates when I put sunblock on him and hates getting dressed and undressed). At first, he wasn't quite sure what to make of the float and the pool. He stared at everything, taking it all in and then it seemed to all click and he understood what to do... lots of kicking and splashing! We had so much fun pushing him around, throwing him in the air with his legs landing in the water, splashing and dancing around!

4th of July we spent more time in the pool and got to hang out with Lori, Paul, Tyler and Jake as well! Gavin was thrilled to have more kids around to play with. They did a great job entertaining Gavin, giving Scott and I a little break. Gavin loved watching all the bigger kids play some soccer. He was giggling away when they were practicing using their head to hit the soccer ball. I am sure as soon as he can manage, he will be in on the action as well!
We had a great BBQ 4th of July night, lots of great food, including the best (seedless) watermelon I have ever had! (It was so good, we brought one home with us and it is almost gone!) Then the fun ended for Gavin because it was time for bath and bed. Thankfully he went down easily because even though I didn't want to venture off too far (between needing to try to remind kids to try to keep the noise level to a minimum and also just wanting to be close enough to be able to hear him if he did wake up) I did want to visit with everyone! The kids had lots of fun with sparklers in anticipation of the big fireworks to come when the sun was fully set. The big fireworks were absolutely awesome! (Gavin slept through the entire thing, even though you could hear them loud and clear in the house.) The fun was put to an end early because of the neighbors horses not being able to handle the noise, but it was certainly fun and pretty while it lasted!
The rest of the week was pretty relaxed. We spent a lot of time in the pool, ran a few errands, Gavin road around the house on Lightening McQueen and practiced his cruising and scooting, relaxed around the house and ate a lot of really good food!
Sitting with Pappy Hank...
Lunch at Panera, yummy!
So proud of the Gavin Tornado that he caused!
Breakfast time!
See ya later!
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