Sunday we relaxed and enjoyed our last day of Scott's vacation. Scott got the grass cut and the Terrain washed while Gavin and I got his pool out, not as much fun as the big pool, but better than nothing!
Lounging in the pool!
Monday we returned to our normal routine. Gavin was really sad to see Scott have to leave for work, after a week and a half of spending the day with him, he wasn't happy.
Gavin and I have still managed to have lots of fun this week. We went to the grocery store, where everyone oohs and ahhs over him. We went to visit Lisa, Rich and Elena. He had lots of fun chasing, grabbing, tackling and wrestling with Rich! He is also completely fascinated with Elena, he just stares at her trying to figure her out. He is not used to seeing babies smaller than him. He is only used to seeing bigger kids and adults so I think he is not sure what to make of her yet.
Gavin has also decided to start moving a lot more. He is a cruising machine, scooting and crawling after toys, cords, anything exciting (and he is FAST!) and riding Lightening McQueen to get into even more trouble! It is amazing how quickly he has put together the pieces of how to move around like he is. He has also started letting go when he is standing! He has let go and stood for several seconds before he either has to grab hold again or falls on his butt. He has been trying to stand up independently (not using furniture, toy, person to pull up to stand) ever since he started pulling up and he is getting much closer to making that happen too!
It is so much fun to see him figure all these things out! He is always so excited and proud of himself (and I, of course, show approval and encourage him to indicate how well he is doing) and he seems to enjoy his toys so much more! He plays "fetch" with himself by throwing the rings from his ring stacker and then chasing after them. It is really cute! It is awesome he is learning, growing and moving around but I can't believe he is already at this point! Aside from the fact that I can't get anything done while he is awake because the second I turn my back or leave the room he is off to find something he shouldn't be getting into, it just means he is always so busy. He is constantly moving and entertaining himself or demanding you help him to entertain himself (i.e. I become a jungle gym for him to climb around on). Oh well, as much as I have loved every stage and miss when he was smaller, I do really love where he currently is because he is so much more fun now. So, I will continue to sit back and enjoy every minute of him!
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