Tolerating the camera being in his face, again!
Gavin gave grass another try... he seemed okay with it, as long as he was not actually sitting in it.
One of Gavin's new favorite faces to make...
In the last couple of days, Gavin has been working on some new tricks and really mastering some that he has had up his sleeve for a while. He continually amazes me with how quickly he learns new things!
Gavin has started "reaching", meaning he indicated when he wants to be picked up. I am really enjoying this one because we can be on his play mat and he will reach over and grab me and pull himself close to either sit in my lap or indicate he wants to get up and so something else. It is also nice because I know whether he really wants to be picked up and moved or wants out of his truck, etc. Besides, it is of those things that make you feel loved as a parent without them being able to actually speak yet, completely awesome!
Although Gavin still has little interest in crawling, he has begin to find other ways to reach toys (cameras, phones, remotes... whatever happens to have caught his eye). He has been able to roll both from his stomach to his back and his back to his stomach for a long time now, but refused to roll from his back to his stomach because he has no use for it - why would he bother to roll to his stomach when he hates being on his stomach! Well, he now more consistently rolls both directions when it suits his purpose of acquiring said object. He also has discovered that he can grab hold of things (like the edges of his play mat) while on his stomach and scoot to reach his toys. He rarely "army crawls" but has a few times, he seems less interested in that, for the moment!
He has loved standing since he was very little and now "dances around" if you let him stand on you. He also started to "walk" backwards, so I started walking around with him to try to encourage him to move forward. He loved it! Although he still moves backwards, he will occasionally go forwards as well.
He has been trying to pull himself up to a standing position when he is sitting. He loves sitting in his pack and play and practicing. Well, today he actually managed to pull himself up to a full stand and was so proud of himself. He did it several times and even managed to do it in his crib as well (thankfully, we don't need to lower his crib yet because he can not get from laying down to a seated position or crawl... I am not looking forward to having to reach down so far to lay him down and pick him up)! He is quite daring and tries to take large steps to move around and sometimes completely lets go. Although he is just starting, I have a feeling this is the beginning of his cruising anything he can manage to pull up on, but I think he is still a little ways away from doing that consistently and well. I figured he wouldn't start doing this until he was crawling and could get to use to furniture to pull himself up... I am still hopefully we have a few weeks/months before he is really moving around so we don't have to figure out what and how to baby proof the upstairs that is still being finished. I plan to live in blissful denial until I actually have to figure it all out!
So proud of himself...
Gavin loves his Lightening McQueen car! At first we had to hold him on it to push him around and he would just stare at it and then us like we were crazy. He warmed up to it and really loved being pushed around and then he started pushing buttons and really playing with it. He has now reached a new level of enjoyment because he has started pushing himself. Well, not fully pushing himself, but since his feet touch the ground (on both sides - holy cow!), he has started to figure out he can move himself. He sometimes pushes himself backwards and other times he makes the motions to try to move forward but can't quite get there yet. Instead, he practices when we push him around. I am sure he will be pushing himself around on that in no time and it won't be long after he figures that out that he will be pushing his car around and walking behind it (insert sad face and tears here).
I think that covers all the highlights of the fun we have been having in the last week. I am sure there will be more to share in the next few days since Gavin seems to have decided to surprise us with a lot of new things this week! We will also be checking out the swings at a local park soon (hopefully this weekend), so I will definitely share how that goes and hopefully we can also get some nice pictures of it as well!!
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