We ordered a small blow up pool for Gavin to use on the beach when we go to Hilton Head in August. A friend of ours recommended getting a pop up tent and a small pool to have on the beach. The tent to have a place that we can change, cover from the sun (since it is UPF, it is additional protection beyond the beach umbrellas we have), a place to store items while on the beach and the list goes on! The pool will be nice because it will be a place we can put some water and/or sand for him to play in, especially if he doesn't want to go in the ocean or sit in the sand. So, we decided that we would get it now so we had it to use at home and we can get a lot more use out of it. The tent came on Friday and the pool on Saturday. Unfortunately, the hot weather we had been having decided to retreat and it was cold and rainy all weekend! I took a few pictures of Gavin in them just to see what he did... he was not impressed...

Today it was finally going to be warm enough that we could get his pool all set up outside so, I pulled out the hand pump we have to blow up the rings...

Then we took it outside to fill it up with water and let it sit in the sun to warm it up!

After getting all suited and sunblocked up we headed out after lunch to "swim". It was a HUGE success! Aside from the water being nice and warm, Gavin was ridiculously excited. He was so happy and busy between the water, the grass, his toys, climbing around, etc, that he couldn't even be bothered to look at me so that I could get a nice picture of his excitement!

I finally managed to snag a few pictures of him looking at the camera when we went back out after his afternoon nap, but nothing that really catches how much he loved his pool!

I rule Gavin's first "swimming" experience a complete success! I look forward to all the pool time to come this summer and I plan to catch as much smiling and silliness on camera as possible!
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