Monday was actually a fun day. Gavin and I spent lots of time outside in his pool and walking around enjoying the beautiful weather. It all went downhill Monday night though. Gavin woke up around 11:30pm and since I had already gone to bed, Scott heard him first and went in to get him for me. Scott brought him in and said he felt warm. At first I figured it was just from being under his blanket, usually he kicks it off if he is warm so he must have just not kicked it off yet. Unfortunately, he wasn't cooling off, so we turned on some lights to check him out and make sure he looked okay and took his temperature. Although he looked fine (no rashes, marks, etc), he had his first fever. So we gave him a little Tylenol to try to make him comfortable and try to bring his fever down so I could get him back to sleep. That was just the beginning of a very long night with very little sleep. I ended up spending half the night up walking him because nothing else was making him happy. He just wanted to be held and walked. So I did that until he was out cold so we could lay down. He would sleep for an hour or two and then be up wanting to be walked again.
Thankfully, Scott decided to work from home Tuesday (since neither of us really got all that much sleep) to help me keep Gavin as comfortable as possible. This was a huge help because Scott was able to entertain Gavin during lunch so I could get a quick shower. That is not something I normally have any trouble doing, but Gavin was not interested in being put down for any length of time, awake or sleeping. I ended up calling the pediatrician when the Tylenol wasn't helping keep his fever down and it started to rise towards 103 to see what they recommended on trying and at what point they would like to see him if it continues. They said to go ahead and bring him in that afternoon so they could check him out. So, off to the doctor we went. His ears, throat and chest were clear and since there was no sign of a rash or any other symptoms or strange behavior, she said it was likely teething and it looked as though his top teeth were getting ready to start coming through. She said to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary that would indicate it isn't just teeth and to keep trying Tylenol and even alternate between Tylenol and Advil to try to keep him comfortable.
Although it was certainly a relief that the fever was hopefully only related to teeth, I wish that there had been something else that could be done. When his bottom teeth came in, he was only a little fussier for about a week while the teeth were cutting through. Apparently, the top teeth are worse.
I tried to minimize the amount of Tylenol and Advil that I was giving him so I was trying to elongate the time between doses and focus a little more at night so he could hopefully get better sleep when he typically sleeps the most. Well, by Wednesday night he still had a fever, was still clingy and miserable and so I gave him some Advil before we were going to get ready for his bath, hoping it would kick in by the time we were done and getting him in bed. That totally backfired and Gavin decided to 100% reject having any more medicine (he had tolerated it the other times but it was getting harder and harder to get him to take anything). Along with his first fever, we experienced his first vomit. He was so determined not to take it that he actually gagged on it and proceeded to lose everything in his stomach. I felt awful! Scott ran and grabbed a towel for me to wrap Gavin in and since he wasn't stopping, I ended up sitting in the tub rocking him until he was done. Then I had to get him undressed (gross), wrapped in a new towel and kept rocking him until he calmed down. It was terrible. He was already miserable and that just made it all worse!
After a lightening quick bath, I rocked my little fireball to sleep and he slept on me for hours, something he hasn't done much of in a very long time. As much as I hate him being that miserable, I did try to enjoy the snuggles as much as possible. That was the beginning of yet another very long night of frequent wakings and a lot of walking. By Thursday morning, his fever was finally diminishing and was in a very normal range, which drastically improved his mood. It apparently also meant that he wasn't going to nap all day, oh well, at least his temperature was finally normal again!
Although I can see where one of his top teeth is starting to push through, it has yet to actually cut. I really hope it cuts through soon. Gavin is in a better mood than he was, but he is still pretty miserable.
We had Gavin's 8 month well baby check up this morning. He now weighs 23 pounds and 5 ounces and is still 29 inches tall. She says he is healthy and doing well, always nice to be reassured of that by his doctor!
So, my week has consisted of almost constantly holding/carrying Gavin around because he didn't want to be put down or left alone to play and very little sleep because of that darn tooth!
I have to share at least a couple of pictures. There have not been as many take this week because of Gavin not feeling well, but before that all started Scott took a few of Gavin helping me with laundry Monday evening.
He is such a curious little boy, he kept peeking into the dryer checking things out as I moved clothes/towels over from the washer. It is nice that he finds ways to enjoy himself while I work on laundry and cleaning, it really makes it a lot easier to get things done!