Friday, March 21, 2014

Dear Spring,

Where are you? I know we are only now actually in spring but it has been a rough winter around here. Between the bitter cold temperatures, crazy amounts of snow, and awful sicknesses floating around we are all ready for more signs of warmer weather and healthier times. Yes, we have been overall lucky, but the last week and a half of the stomach bug running through our house has pretty much taken all I had left to tolerate being cooped up in the house. We need out. We need to be able to open windows, we need to see green grass, leaves, and all the beautiful flowers! The last few years the snow has been long gone by now and it has warmed up enough to be outside more and start going on walks again. Why not this year? I know I should be grateful for the snow because it is important but I think it is time for it to go and be replaced with spring showers (and even thunderstorms too because those are a lot of fun to watch and listen to). I am certainly not looking forward to the tick checks, frustrations, and constant paranoia that it brings but at least we can put things down in an effort to limit, if not eliminate, the little jerks.

Anyway, clearly it has been a rough week and a half and I am just antsy for the next season to actually begin. I will do my best to wait patiently for spring, but if you can hurry up, that would be great. Thanks!

(Plus a cute picture of Gavin in his new rain boots - even he is sick of seeing snow (and bundling up to go outside) and ready to be tromping through puddles (not snow) and digging in the dirt!)

(Plus, plus a cute picture of Dane from his checkup this morning - other than screaming bloody murder the second the nurse or doctor dared to even look at him, he did well. He is growing and doing what he should developmentally - 32.5 inches, 25 pounds 5 ounces

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