Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ready for Fall...

But Gavin is not. He is excited for the things we talk about doing in the coming months like jumping in piles of leaves, apple and pumpkin picking, Halloween, birthdays, and all the other awesome things about the end of the year. However, he is not ready to let summer and playing in the water and pool go. Today, despite the low 70 degree (beautiful) weather, Gavin insisted on wearing a swimming suit to play outside. He wanted to fill up his pool, put the sprinkler on, and cut grass.

At least cutting grass makes sense. Dane loved watching from Gavin's truck and Gavin loved helping daddy cut grass.

I am ready for all things fall, especially the cooler night weather killing all the mosquitoes so it will be more enjoyable outside! Plus it is the only.time of year we can truly enjoy the windows being open. Add to that the awesome baking, cooking, colors, holidays, and football. What isn't there to love about fall!

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