Saturday, April 6, 2013

Jumping Into Spring!

We had a few small glimpses of warmer weather the last week! It was absolutely wonderful! We enjoyed the sun, being outside without 4 layers on, more time walking to Valkill (most mornings and afternoons), running around the yard, and having windows open! Unfortunately, we have had a few colder and rainy days but the warmer weather gives me hope that we are heading towards nicer and warmer weather soon. We have a great new routine that allows us more time outside. Gavin started needing his nap a little later (so after lunch time instead of right before or at lunch time) and so I have been showering first thing in the morning instead of when Gavin naps so that we can have a couple hours outside before we come in for lunch and naps. Then most afternoons we have even had time to go back outside before we need to finish putting dinner together. Gavin has been loving all the time we have had outside and I think Dane has as well. It has also made it easier to run our errands in the morning before lunch and nap time and still have at least an hour or two outside after Gavin naps and before dinner. I am looking forward to having time outside after dinner, before baths, as well but it hasn't quite warmed up enough for that yet. Anyway, we have had a great time and are looking forward to some more warmer weather this week!

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