Saturday, September 29, 2012

Afternoon at Ikea!

We rarely go to IKEA, even though we really like it, because the closest one is about an hour and a half away (and it often takes longer because of traffic getting to the area). As we have been trying to decide what we want to do with the room situation as we prepare for baby number 2's arrival, we decided to leave the nursery intact and move Gavin into what is currently our guest bedroom (even though at least one of us is often sleeping in there). We decided there was no reason to break down the crib to the toddler bed or convert it to a full size bed for Gavin (even though that was the original plan when we picked out the nursery furniture) and then have to get a new crib (a new convertible crib) to have to do the same thing down the road. On top of that we have a bed in the master bedroom that is awesome but only a full, which is not big enough for us. So we decided to give that bed to Gavin and move the queen that is in what will be Gavin's room into the master bedroom. Now all we needed to find was a good dresser and a bookcase for his new room. I had spent some time browsing various stores online but I hadn't really seen anything I was impressed enough with that I wanted to go look at it in person. Then I remembered to check IKEA and I found a few great things for Gavin's new room. I found a dresser I wanted to look at, I decided we should get a smaller version of the bookcase we have in the dining room, and found what looked like a great deal on a comforter to go in the duvet cover we just picked out and ordered.

So, Scott took a half day and we set off for IKEA after Gavin's nap. Thankfully, Gavin travels much better now and we had a very pleasant and easy ride to IKEA. We took Scott's truck because there was no way to fit everything we wanted and needed to get in the Terrain. Gavin loves riding in the truck so he was really chatty and really enjoyed seeing everything on our drive down.

We had a great time while at IKEA as well. It was a bit difficult because Gavin really wanted to be down and exploring everything. The way IKEA is set up, it is fun as an adult, as a kid it is like a huge playhouse. Going from room to room checking out the furniture and accessories, there are a million things that caught Gavin's eye. We kept him in the cart a fair amount of time, carried him some, and let him explore as long as he was being good. It is hard not to get too carried away though. He was so excited to try all the couches, chairs, beds, and closets out. He loved sitting on the couches and laying on the beds. He loved climbing into wardrobes and closing himself in even more. It was a bit difficult at times as I chased him around but it was also great watching his face light up as he saw something new to check out. At the end are the kids rooms and we enjoyed checking out the kids furniture and toys even though we were not there for any of it. Gavin loved the play area they had set up with a rocking horse, slide, and tents.

After we had walked through everything, we stopped and ate some dinner before we went downstairs to pick up everything from the warehouse and head home. I always look forward to some delicious Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes when we plan a trip to IKEA. I have made Swedish meatballs a few times and while they are good, I really enjoy the ones from IKEA!

After eating we found everything we needed in the warehouse and waited in line to pay, exhausted and ready to head home. The drive home was a bit quieter, we were all tired and looking forward to going home to bed. We didn't even unload when we got.home because we just wanted to lay down. Gavin and Scott passed out almost immediately on the couch so I changed Gavin and got him ready for bed while he slept there. I then put away a few things because apparently even exhausted I am unable to just leave things until the next day. Then I headed to bed.

We now have the big job of getting everything unloaded, put together (well, some of it will be put together immediately, the bookcases for Scott's room will not be put together yet), and rearranging bedrooms to set up Gavin's big boy room! It is a big job but I am looking forward to it all being done and getting Gavin settled into his new room. Hopefully he loves it because we have spent a lot of time deciding what we what to do and picking out new furniture and sheets!

Pictures and reactions to follow once we are able to get his new room together!

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