Friday, August 24, 2012

Toddlers are Fun!

I really do enjoy having a toddler most days. Gavin is a lot of fun and can be so sweet when he asks for hugs and kisses. However he is often quite a challenge these days. As he learns and grows he becomes more fun and more opinionated on everything. There are some areas this isn't much of a surprise since he has always been one to defy what most people believe is normal baby and toddler behavior but a few have caught me by surprise because they happened earlier than I thought.

Gavin certainly enjoys playing with his toys more and wants you to sit and play with him. This is somewhat recent because he often didn't care whether you were playing or just sitting there with him before. This makes setting up and playing with his trains a lot more fun. He even puts tracks together himself now. He still asks for help or for us to fix something if it comes apart but his interest level has certainly changed drastically. 

He now likes to "pretend" things happen more. He has used anything and everything as a phone and had conversations for quite a while but he now likes to make things crash. For the most part this isn't a problem, they are his toys so if he wants to crash them, fine. This usually ends up with a toy (or several) being taken away and a massive tantrum on Gavin's part (and depending on the day an adult "tantrum" as well) when he gets too carried away. I figured tantrums would become more frequent but man, Gavin is an expert tantrum-er and he makes tantrums I have seen other kids throw look like amateur hour. I am afraid for what the next few years hold because supposedly it gets worse before it gets better. Gavin has a lot of freedom around the house. The few areas (bathroom, downstairs, and Scott's radio room) are gated or otherwise blocked. His toys (except for those taken away) he has easy access to, he is allowed to climb on a lot of things (couch, bay window, and beds), and we are always looking for new fun ways to enjoy his toys.

It can certainly be tough as he explores his world and tries things out and has to learn what is ok and not, but he is such a curious little boy, it makes it fun to watch him learn and grow! Even though we can't have fun conversations with Gavin yet, it is nice (and fun) to be able to communicate with him more than before. He understands so much and has for a long time, it is nice that he is able to speak more and make it easier to help him when needed and help him understand his limits and boundaries. It should be interesting to see where this all leads as he grows and especially when he has a sibling in just a couple short months!

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