Gavin and I have managed to stay busy with some new fun things when I was up to being outside. He has discovered the joy of chalk, bubbles and especially the hose and being able to spray everyone and everything.
Notice the random lines all over, those are Gavin's handy work!
Attacking with the hose...
Discovering a love of popsicles!
Helping me clean on the rare occasions that I didn't feel completely horrible.
Tormenting ants and their ant hills!
Getting into trouble by running to the neighbors house and hiding behind trees/bushes where he can't be reached...
Desperately wanting a ride in the backpack and not wanting to wait for Dada to get home to do it... so I had to give him a ride!
Troublemaker... always finding something new to get into and climb!
Hiding at our other neighbors house... so much trouble!
Gavin is certainly a handful. I am grateful that most of the time I wasn't feeling well the weather wasn't great so spending time inside resting was ok. We spent time outside as much as possible when it wasn't raining or cold but no where near the amount of time that Gavin would have liked. Now that the weather is nicer and I am feeling better we are often outside several hours in the afternoon and are taking walks most days, at Gavin's insistence. We go outside and he plays for a bit and then asks to get into the garage and insists on climbing into his stroller and us going on a walk. Some days are longer than others, it is up to Gavin what path we take through the neighborhood and how long we are gone. I know to pack water for us both and some fruit and carrots to snack on to keep him occupied while he points to all the cars, trucks, mowers, dogs, etc, on our path. I am really enjoying the exercise. I wish I was getting more, but even a mile around the neighborhood is better than nothing!
It is funny to watch Gavin wander around and play outside. He tries to walk around as if he owns the neighborhood. He likes to try to run into the road. About half the time he willingly turns around and heads back down the driveway to find something else to do while the other half results in a meltdown requiring that I remove him and force him to do something else. Those are always fun. He walks into our neighbors yards as if he owns them and tries to get into their houses, sheds, climb their trees, torment their pets, and whatever other trouble he can find. I rarely get to just sit and enjoy being outside because Gavin is almost always on the move exploring something. If he could spend all his time outside I am fairly certain he would.
The TV was on way more than I ever want to think about or admit with me trying to find things that he would sit and watch when he wasn't interested in playing so that I could rest and he was out of trouble. Cars and Cars 2 were on quite a bit until he seemed to be tired of them so I tried other Disney movies and of all the ones we tried, Ratatouille became a favorite and more recently, Toy Story 3 (no interest in 1 or 2... crazy kid). I recently got into a Christmas kick (yup, already... Scott is wondering when I will move on so he doesn't have to listen to Christmas music/movies anymore) and discovered Gavin liked a made for TV movie, Santa Baby 2. No clue why, but he always stops and watches if it is on. He likes a show called the Backyardigans but only certain episodes. We found Knight Rider on our Netflix streaming as well and he likes to watch pieces of those episodes sometimes. I am grateful that he isn't all that interested in TV but what little he has taken an interest in is a bit strange.
I am sure there are plenty of things I have missed and will have to go back and share but any other pictures are on the camera and that is a bigger time commitment to get those offloaded and sort through. So I will save those for another time!
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