Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gavin Through A New Lens...

We have been test driving a new lens for our camera. A friend of Scott's has the same camera and let us borrow a lens that he has to see if we liked it. It is intended mainly for portrait style and low lighting photos but can be used for all sorts of things, including improving the video performance of the camera. His friend was nice enough to let us borrow it for the week.

So far, we are very impressed. It takes phenomenal photographs and video! Everything you read when looking into DSLR cameras tells you to stay away from the kit lens because they are never very good. After all the reading, I decided that I still wanted to start with the standard kit lens to get to know the camera and then we could explore what other lenses might be good for us to add later. After using the camera for a few weeks, I think the kit lens does a pretty good job so I was in no hurry to replace it. Now that we have used another lens, I can understand why some would complain about the kit lens. I still like our kit lens and think it does a good job, but a more specialized lens will always outperform a general purpose lens that they typically sell with a new DSLR. It was a lot of fun to take photos with and we decided that at some point in time (in the somewhat near future) we will be buying this lens because of what a great lens it is!

Getting out one of his favorite toys!

Gavin exploring the Children's Museum!

Enjoying some time with the tree before bath and bed!

We are really happy with the few pictures we took (and kept since many more were taken but not really worth keeping or sharing) and are so grateful we were able to borrow this lens. I am continually impressed by what amazing photos this camera can take! I love that we have even better photos of Gavin because we sure spend a lot of time looking through them after he has gone to bed for the night!

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