Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Birthday Party Preparations!

It has been a very busy couple of weeks! My compulsive cleaning and planning problem has gotten the best of me. I have been super cleaning everything I can get my hands on (and I still have things on my list to get to before this weekend). Kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, furniture, windows, floors, cabinets, shelves, walls, toys, you name it, I have cleaned, disinfected and possibly even shined it! Things I used to do yearly (if I had/made the time) I have started doing monthly and in some cases even more often than that (like windows that are now cleaned weekly since Gavin loves to touch them with slobbery fingers). It is probably an unhealthy obsession but I can't seem to let it go. Maybe there is a cleaners anonymous? I probably wouldn't go, even if it did exist. I much prefer things to be clean and organized. Thankfully, Scott doesn't mind and Gavin doesn't seem to mind either.

I have also been working on creating some decorations, invitations and planning Gavin's birthday party. Unfortunately, the theme we settled on is very difficult to find decorations for so I am having to pull from lots of places to put everything together. I don't want a lot of decorations but I want it to at least look like a birthday party and to look themed. We shall see how that turns out.

Gavin has been a trooper through all of this. He has been sleeping fairly well since he doesn't seem to have any teeth coming in at the moment. He has also been doing really well entertaining himself during the day when I need to do things (like vacuum) that I can't do once he is napping or in bed for the night.

So, a few more days of insanity and hopefully everything will be ready. Then I can return to our more typical routine and maybe get a little more sleep instead of staying up all night cleaning and making things for Gavin's party!

A couple of cute pictures of Gavin in an otherwise boring post!

Loving our Cars DVD!

Hanging out with his new favorite buddy, Snoopy! Thanks Grandma!

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