Weight - Roughly 22 pounds (we won't get an update until next week when we have his 6 month well baby checkup)
Height - Guessing 29 inches or so
Clothing Size - Thankfully he has not grown out of too much in the last month. Depending on the brand he is wearing either 6-9 or 6-12. A few things are still 3-6 because even though they are a little snug, I am stubborn and really don't want to pack them away. I also started rotating in a few new shirts that are 12-18 months. (They are a big on him, but I want him to get more than just a few weeks use out of his clothes.)
Milestones -
*Gavin still refuses tummy time, but I try sneaking it in as often as I can and for as long as possible (which is usually still not very long because he either rolls himself over or if I have that blocked, he gets angry and starts yelling/crying). I have started putting him down on his hands and knees instead to try to encourage him to build his muscles and control. He protests that as well... stubborn little boy!
*He has gone from a supported sitter to an unsupported sitter. Although he still does topple over from time to time, he is getting better and usually can sit by himself for pretty long periods of time. He just has trouble if he tries to reach for things and forgets to use his hands to prevent a crash landing.
*His standing has greatly improved. He loves to stand (and sit) at his Leap Frog table. The spinning rattle side is his favorite!
*He has his two center bottom teeth. Thankfully they broke through the gums fairly quickly once we saw the little white buds and they no longer bother him (although they are still technically growing). I am hoping we get a little break before his top teeth start coming in.
*His sleeping seems to be back to "normal" (his normal) after being greatly disrupted while his two teeth were cutting.
*Gavin LOVES food. So far he has had rice cereal, oatmeal, avocados, sweet potatoes and peas. He has yet to reject anything.
Other -
*Gavin loves being outside. As the weather improves, we always spend at least part of the day outside for a walk, watching cars and people walk by or playing in the yard. It is pretty much always a hit to pull out his cozy truck as well!
*Gavin loves cars, as long as he is not strapped in his car seat. He loves to watch them pass by, he loves to sit in the drivers seat and hold on to the wheel, he loves to ride around in his cozy truck and he even enjoys being out "helping" me wash the Terrain!
*He comes up with all kinds of noises and faces that make us laugh on a daily basis which usually results in him laughing with us.
*He loves to play peek a boo and be "scared". This will almost always result in a giggle but at the very least a smile.
That is all I can think of. He is so curious and busy, I am enjoying his disinterest in trying to crawl because I know once he decides to figure it out he will quickly be into everything!
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