Finally!!! So Gavin and I have been outside enjoying the weather as much as possible the last few days. It has been awesome! Monday (once the rain cleared out) we were able to spend a little while outside so I decided to introduce Gavin to bubbles. As with most things, he was pretty unsure of the whole business to begin with and he gave me some interesting looks. Unfortunately, it is difficult to try to blow bubbles and then manage to get a good picture of his reaction to them at the same time. Here is what I managed to get...
He eventually warmed up to it a bit and even managed to smile at the bubbles that came his way.
Tuesday, unfortunately, was Gavin's 6 month well baby check up, which meant more shots. Ugh! I was dreading this one more than the others because I knew I would be doing this one alone (darn work has been keeping Scott so busy he couldn't get away to come). The appointment itself went well. Gavin is now 21 pounds 7 ounces and 28.75 inches, very healthy, strong and on track with everything he should be doing. Then came the shots.... awful! At least he mostly calmed down within a few minutes so we could make his next appointment and head home. He passed out on the way home and even stayed asleep when I brought him inside. After he woke up from that he was his normal happy self! What a relief! I always worry that he will be so miserable after that we are in for a long rest of the day.
Talking and smiling away!
We spent the majority of the afternoon outside walking around, we washed the Terrain, watched traffic and just enjoyed being outside.
Watching for Daddy to come home...
Today we spent some more time outside since we will be stuck inside tomorrow (raining all day - boo!), so we made the most of it. We walked around, watched traffic and rolled around in the grass. It feels great to be spending so much time outside. It is such a welcome change from being cooped up in the house all winter. Besides, Gavin absolutely loves lounging in his cozy truck. We certainly spend a lot of time walking around in it and sitting at the end of the driveway watching as people and cars pass by.