Thursday, February 23, 2017

So Warm!

We are thoroughly enjoying a few days of very warm weather for February! It is absolutely gorgeous outside. Gavin was grilled to be able to wear just a sweatshirt to school rather than having many layers to be warm outside. Dane and I are enjoying having the windows open, sitting in the warm sun, drying sheets out in the sun, and preparing some flower pots for seeds (Dane helped pick out some beautiful flower seeds for both inside and transplanting outside when it is warm). I know it won't last since the forecast says Saturday afternoon is when he cold front moves in, but we are going to soak up every second of it while it lasts. Gavin loves getting to change when he gets home from school and then staying outside until dark. I can't wait until the warmer weather is here to stay! It feels great to be out in the fresh air and not freezing to do that!

Monday, February 20, 2017


Dane is thrilled Gavin is off today... They have so much fun playing (when they are not bickering). I love listening and watching as they play together, make up games, share, and take care of each other. It is nice to be reminded that they do actually love each other and love to spend time together. Especially since some days they have to be separated because they are bickering so much. For now, for however long it lasts, I will enjoy the sounds of them playing sweetly together!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Preschool Visit...

I knew the day was coming all too fast that Dane would be visiting preschool for himself to attend in the fall. I know he needs the experience and he will be in great hands. The program is wonderful, the teacher is amazing, and it is certainly the perfect introduction to school, and a nice way to acclimate being away from me for the first time. I know it is truly the right place for Dane just like it was for Gavin, but knowing that does not make it any easier. It was hard to leave Gavin but at least I had Dane to keep me company and to snuggle. Now I will be left alone. Sad. Even if it is the right thing and I know he will have a great time, it isn't any easier than it was leaving Gavin. I just hope he is just as excited as Gavin was.

Dane had a hard time walking in the door today and was a cling monster for a while but he eventually was willing to let Miss Shelley come over to sit and talk. He wouldn't let the other kids (all younger and smaller than him) anywhere near him, he would hide behind me if they even looked his direction. By the end of the hour he was talking a little to Miss Shelley and even said he was excited to go back and play again, so we shall see how it goes in the fall!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Crazy Weather!

This had been quite a roller coaster all winter with weather. We have had warmer than usual weather, a decent amount of snow, cold, rain, and lots of wind. Today we had such high winds the power went out right before going to get Gavin on the bus (he had a two hour delay because of icy road conditions earlier in the day). Scott was already at work and so he ended up coming home at lunch to set up the generator. With it being so cold and windy and not knowing how long the power would be out he decided it would be silly to let the house get cold, especially since Dane was still not feeling well and we would be home all day. So I set Dane up with a snack, a movie on the laptop, and I helped Scott and then ran around doing a few things before Dane would be ready for a nap. Well, he ended up calling asleep watching his movie. Poor kid. He is definitely at the end of this crazy awful virus but still not better.

Hopefully he will be fine for Wednesday since we have the preschool open house tomorrow to! Well, the power was out for a few hours, so it was really nice to be able to keep the house warm during that time. There were a lot of outages so I am grateful that they were able to get the lines fixed so quickly but even more grateful for the ability to still heat the house while they work on power restoration. We haven't needed to use the generator a lot but it is still something that we are so grateful to have for the few times we have needed it.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Poor Sick Kiddos... Again...

It could have been much worse but the kids have been plagued by virus that is especially fun and causes them to run a fever. For a week. Gavin ran just a little warm Super Bowl Sunday, enough to cause a little whining but was otherwise mostly himself. Woke up Monday much warmer and in official fever territory. Stayed between 101 and 102 most ofnthenday. By late afternoon it was warm enough he needed medicine because he was increasingly miserable and starting to refuse all food and drinks. Once that kicked in he said he felt great. Woke up Tuesday in the same boat as Monday. While he was definitely more mellow than usual, he was mostly in good spirits and was doing just fine resting in his bed and patiently waiting when he needed anything. At least he wasn't totally miserable. Wednesday he woke up still warm and adding some other cold symptoms to the mix but nothing major. Despite trying to keep Dane away, apparently he already was exposed and woke up with a fever. Lucky him. Gavin tolerated it all far better than Dane. Dane just wanted to be held or snuggled with on the couch. He was mega clingy and whiney but overall he just seemed headed down the same unfortunate road as Gavin. Thursday we had a big storm (9 inches) come through which was a bit of a bummer because neither child was really able to go out and enjoy it, at least it was one less day of school Gavin had to miss since they closed.

He was still warm by the evening so I already knew he wasn't going Friday, even though I was hoping it was a turning point when he finally woke up without a fever. Friday he woke up warm, again, so Scott insisted I take him in to be seen. So, off to the doctor to be sure that it was some strange presentation of strep and be sure that his nose, ears, and chest were still clear since he was coughing and sneezing a bit. As I suspected, all was fine and it is just some virus (plenty varieties going around) or maybe some type of flu but they opt not to waste time and money to test since they don't recommend tamiflu and she knows I would pass on it anyway.  So, back home for more rest and waiting out the end of the virus. He woke up just slightly warm Saturday, so a definite improvement over the rest of the week. This morning, finally no fever! Hoping that he is past the worst of the virus and the fever is gone for good so he can go back to school tomorrow! Yay! It will also give me hope that Dane will be past this by Wednesday so he doesn't miss the Open House at preschool! Such a crazy week but it could have been worse. Now we need Dane to get past it and Scott and I to not get this one! Is Winter over yet?

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Fun Outside!

The kids were still not 100% but they both felt good enough to go out and enjoy the snow! I had to run to Adams since I hadn't been to the store in over two weeks and so after I got for put away and everyone fed some lunch, we went out to play for a little bit. are  It was a lot of fun, it was good to get some fresh air, have some fun, and feel the sun!

After we got warmed up it was fun to finally feel like maybe at least Gavin was past the worst of the virus because even though he was still slightly warm, he was clearly feeling better. We still spent lots of time resting and reading but hopefully Gavin will be able to head back to school Monday! He has really been missing his friends and school routine, so he will be one unhappy child if he is stuck home sick again any time soon!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Two Front Teeth...

Are now missing....

One came out at school last week (super exciting day for him since he was sent home with his tooth in this cute little tooth necklace to keep it safe) and one out today. It was last year in February he lost his bottom two middle teeth, a whole year later he loses the top middle within a week of each other just like last year. Crazy. He looks so much more grow up, ironically, missing those teeth! Where did my baby go!?!?!