Another month gone and so many changes! Dane is such a sweet baby and we are enjoying every moment of him! He is almost always happy and tolerates our crazy life with Gavin so well! We had his 4 month shots on Monday so he was pretty miserable Monday and most of Tuesday, but after a really long nap Tuesday afternoon (about 4 hours in his crib) he woke up his happy normal self!

What Dane is up to this month:
•Dane is up to 17 pounds and 1 ounce (80th percentile)
•Dane is now 26 inches tall (85th percentile)
•Dane has rolled both directions a couple of times but doesn't seem interested in doing it often and is perfectly happy to lay on his back or stomach where he is laid down.
•Dane is really starting to interact with his toys now. He grabs, shakes, coos/talks, moves them to chew on different parts, and smiles at various toys.
•Dane has started screeching and it is ridiculously cute! I remember when Gavin started how much fun it is because we would all join in and make it a game. Now Dane can be a part of it too!
•Dane is giggling more and more every day. He is super ticklish and loves to fly around the house or on our legs on the floor. He loves being "thrown" into the air as well.
•Dane manages to sleep pretty well, even with all the noise during the day. He mostly naps in his crib, but sometimes he naps on me or on the couch for part of a nap when I want some snuggles. At night, I am lazy, he is still sleeping with me (other than a few hours either in his crib or on the couch while I clean after Gavin is in bed and before I make it to bed). I am enjoying my time with him next to me and sad that before long he will likely want and need his own space at night like Gavin did. Bummer.
•Dane loves to be involved and looking around when he is awake. He lovea watching Gavin play. He is always either studying what Gavin is doing or smiling and cooing at him as he plays. He clearly loves Gavin.
•Dane loves looking at books when Gavin will actually sit still long enough for us to read a few. Hopefully we can do more of that now that Dane is interested in them as well.
We are really enjoying all of Dane's new skills and his sweet personality. He is such an amazing little baby and we are so glad he is a part of our family!